Aligned with the needs of society, stakeholders,
and the planet.

Lohum’s core objectives manifest themselves in our solid ESG framework, making sustainability, cooperation, and empowerment our engine. 

ESG Overview

Every step of our operations is run through sustained ESG assessments to minimize GHG emissions, boost employee satisfaction, and secure legal & ethical compliances.

Our strong commitment and responsibility towards our customers, partners, and stakeholders is why you can rest easy when you enlist our services.

ESG is the core element of our broader sustainability strategy. We have made a commitment to take care of all stakeholders, and ensure that our vision always translates into lasting positive impact for everyone.

If we are to create a carbon neutral battery manufacturing industry, achieve net zero emissions across the battery value chain, and ensure the economic viability of the battery industry across the world, it is vital that every decision is led by a thorough ESG framework.

Our ESG targets for 2026

4,000,000 MT

of CO2e saved by 2026

500 X
less water consumed per Metric Ton vs mining


direct and indirect jobs created by 2026.

ESG Targets

The CO2e Of 15 Million Flights

between Delhi and Mumbai equals the 4 million tons of CO2e that we aim to save by 2026.

Our ESG Commitments

To the environment

We deliver:
Lohum People

To our people

We deliver:

Lohum People

For Governance

We deliver:

We regularly post updates on practices and policies undertaken to execute and improve on our ESG commitments.

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